One Heart
Equestrian Therapy, Inc
Offering Therapeutic Services to People with Disabilities Using Horses
A PATH International Member Center
Serving Central Iowa Since 2001
To make available equine-oriented and domestic animal-oriented activities in a compassionate, safe, and professional manner for people and domestic animals used in the program, to achieve therapeutic and educational goals and enhance the quality of life for people with physical, mental, and psychological impairments.
Our vision is to provide unique therapeutic and educational services to people with disabilities. We will provide a center where possibilities for animal interaction in a natural setting may occur. One Heart would like to be recognized in the field for research in the area of hippotherapy, animal-human bond, and animal-assisted therapies. There is a need for published scientific evidence showing the direct relationship between therapeutic effects of riding and the improved well-being and function (physically or mentally) of the rider. The One Heart Center will create a culture of volunteerism among all citizens. One Heart will provide a nurturing and supportive environment for family members and support staff of One Heart participants. One Heart will offer a comprehensive array of services utilizing both mounted and unmounted activities under the direction of PATH, Intl. instructors and licensed therapists. One Heart seeks ways to provide services to veterans, to school districts, and to long-term care facilities.
One Heart Equestrian Therapy, Inc. is a non-profit equestrian program for people with disabilities. The corporation will offer equine-oriented and other domestic animal-centered activities, therapies, and education, offered at a minimal, reasonable cost. The therapy will consist of general and specific animal-centered tasks involving grooming, tacking, husbandry, horsemanship, motion therapy, riding or driving, as determined, designed, and implemented by a team trained and qualified in one or more of the following disciplines; horsemanship curriculum, therapeutic riding and driving, physical, psychological, and/or occupational therapy, and special education. Therapeutic effects of equine-centered tasks are manifested in increased movement and strengthening of limbs, improved flexibility, improved balance, proprioception, language development, empathy, breathing control, following direction, and other areas. Therapeutic activities will be offered to individuals demonstrating physical, cognitive, mental, or emotional limitations and special needs.
One Heart Equestrian Therapy, Inc. is a Center Member of the Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship, International (PATH, Intl.) . PATH, INTL. is a membership-based organization founded in 1969 to oversee certification of instructors and accreditation of programs. There are over 800 PATH, Intl centers in North America serving over 66,000 people (2018 numbers). There are only 8 PATH, Intl Centers in Iowa, and One Heart is the only center in Central Iowa. One Heart is one of only 62 PATH, Intl centers authorized to conduct therapeutic driving and the only one in Iowa. The average number of clients served by a PATH center is 30. One Heart Equestrian Therapy, Inc. surpassed that average our second year of operation.