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Jennifer Lamoreux



Path, Intl.-certified Registered Therapeutic Riding Instructor

2011 PATH, Intl. Region 7 Instructor of the Year

I started my model horse collection in first grade. The first time  I remember riding a horse (an Appy!) was in second grade. I hated the bouncy trot but begged rides whenever I could.  I attended Girl Scout Horsing Around camp.  Without a live horse, I practiced my riding on the local carousel.  In 5th grade I got to ride George, the best lesson horse ever, at the local community college horsemanship class.


Through family connections, I got to buy a green broke, 4-year-old POA, " Critter", when I was 14.  I learned what it took to keep a horse; I hauled all of Critter's water from home for 14 years.  For two years in a row, I was accepted into Girl Scout Hi Ho Sierras, a daily trail riding and a 3-day pack trip.  From this experience, I  learned instructors assign horses for good reasons. I also earned my CHA Trail Rider and Overnight Rider certificates.  


I went on to graduate from Ellsworth Community College with an A.S. and certificate in Biotechnology.  I finished a BS in Agricultural Studies from Iowa State University.  I work full-time as a Biosciences Technician with the USDA.


As a Girl Scout leader, I inquired about volunteering my troop with One Heart.  I ended up routinely sidewalking and leading - only occasionally accompanied by the troop.  After years of volunteering, I was mentored and became a certified instructor in 2005.  I was honored to be selected as the Instructor of the Year for Region 7 in 2011.  


I own two miniature horses, Ava and her son, Tigger.  I have Ava driving and Tigger ground driving.  I hope to start working on horse agility in the near future.  With more driving, I plan to be certified as a therapeutic driving instructor.


I enjoy teaching, but my favorite part is taking care of horses.  All the horses at One Heart are wonderful, but I can't help having my favorites, narrowed down to just three...Bri, Dandy, and Miracle. When not at work or at One Heart, I enjoy Girl Scouts, gardening,  orchids and succulents, entertaining my cats,  working on my house, reading, and being an aunt.

Meet Jen...

Jen started out as a volunteer!


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Ames, IA  50010


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67826 Lincoln Hwy

Colo, IA  50056

Tel: 515-460-5488

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