One Heart
Equestrian Therapy, Inc
Offering Therapeutic Services to People with Disabilities Using Horses
A PATH International Member Center
Serving Central Iowa Since 2001

Welcome to One Heart
One Heart Equestrian Therapy offers therapeutic services to individuals demonstrating physical, cognitive, mental, or emotional limitations and special needs. We work with children and adults who have been born with physical disorders or diseases, injury victims, as well as children and adults with emotional disorders and/or learning disabilities. Many of the students have multiple diagnoses.
One Heart Success
Since its founding in 2001, One Heart has provided therapeutic services to hundreds of individuals presenting with numerous distinct diagnoses. Volunteers and clients come to One Heart from nine Iowa counties. Besides the instructor and therapist staff, volunteers provide all the services at One Heart. One Heart staff also includes a certified Special Olympics Equestrian coach, and qualified riders participate in Iowa's Special Olympics Equestrian competition.
Our Services
A complete team is assembled to provide these services. Team support for each client includes the One Heart instructor staff, a health professional, the horse, the volunteers, and the community. As a member center of the Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship, International (PATH, Intl.), all One Heart instructors are certified in a variety of specialties. Physical, occupational, and speech therapists, and mental health providers team with One Heart to provide the best possible environments for our clients.
The One Heart staff sets goals using client information provided by parents, teachers, doctors, and therapists. A One Heart horse is selected to advance goals for each client.
One Heart could not operate without the support of the community. Individuals and businesses contribute equipment, technical expertise, funds, and volunteer hours. These are some of the ways that people have contributed to One Heart:
organizing equipment
building a ramp for wheelchairs
building jumps
If you would like to become part of the One Heart Community, please contact Kris at oneheart@netins.net or fill out the contact form below.