One Heart
Equestrian Therapy, Inc
Offering Therapeutic Services to People with Disabilities Using Horses
A PATH International Member Center
Serving Central Iowa Since 2001
One Heart Equestrian Therapy is a tax exempt charitable organization (501(c)3). Donations are tax deductible (consult your tax adviser for details).
To Send a Check
One Heart Equestrian Therapy
67826 Lincoln Hwy
Colo, IA 50056
You can donate directly to One Heart through PayPal
We welcome donations of any amount
Note: When paying by PayPal, 2.9% of your donation will go toward service fees.
Although we are immensely grateful for our debt-free home, there are additional expenses associated with moving in and expanding our services. Click here to view our current Wish List. Your donation helps!
Sponsor a Horse
A donation of $1500 sponsors one of the horses in our herd for a year. It covers the cost of feed, routine healthcare (vaccines, deworming, hoof and dental care), fly protection, and some treats. Donors are recognized on stall signage.
Sponsor a Client Scholarship
Rider scholarships, of any amount, are always needed. Equine-based therapies are rarely covered by insurance. Approximately 1/3 of our clients are on full, or partial, scholarship to finance their participation.